Personal Growth

What is personal growth?

Personal growth is about:

  • Viewing how you feel inside about yourself;

  • Expanding how you view the world and what role you play and experience in it every day;

  • Always growing, learning, and accepting personal change;

  • Stepping away from fear and the rules of others and experiencing joy;

  • Knowing you make a difference in the world and are meant to be here.

You have the ability to change your world as you know it through your personal growth.

How does personal growth help in my relationships?

We all live a human experience. That human experience includes family, relationships, career, money, self worth and more.

Do you see any aspects of yourself, your spouse, significant other, family members, friends or work relationships in the dynamics listed below?

  • Givers and takers / people taking advantage of you

  • Overbearing / controlling / smothering people

  • Loving / supportive people

  • Balanced / unbalanced relationships

  • Martyrdom / people pleasing

You will have a deeper understanding of the paradigms that are happening in each of these relationships, what role you both are playing and why you are playing that role, and receive guidance on how to change the role you are playing. This gives you a new perspective from which to make lasting changes in your relationships that will benefit you and others.

How does personal growth help in my career?

No career is less than another. We can’t sit on the couch and expect growth. Which of these statements describes your view of your current career path?

  • Excitement, pleasure for the each day / miserable each time you leave for work

  • What will my pay allow me to do / how much debt do I have to clear

  • Opportunities for growth are in front of me / this is a dead end

  • I like what I’m doing / I hate what I’m doing

Exploring your own wants and needs helps you uncover hidden talents and desires you may have left buried or didn’t realize you had. Dedicate the time and energy to yourself. Find the passion that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning. Explore the real you that is bursting to live a more fulfilled life.

How does personal growth help with money?

Our world is built on a money structure. We can’t wish that away. Money does help life run smoother and easier. Which of these statements describes your thoughts about money?

  • I have abundant choices / my choices are limited

  • I’m able to help others / I can’t support myself

  • I’m building my reserves / I don’t have a safety net

  • Money is easy to get / I have to work hard to get money

Money is important to you. How you perceive money matters. Looking deeper at your beliefs helps you uncover blocks about money that you never realized were there, taking the mystery out of, and breaking down concepts behind, money. Make money work for you to bless your life. Money is meant to be enjoyed and welcomed.

How does personal growth help with self-worth?

We all have moments where we lack self-worth.

Which of the thoughts below sounds like you?

  • I’m good enough / other people are better than me

  • I achieve for my own happiness / what makes me think I can do something others haven’t

  • I show compassion to myself / everyone’s looking down on me, I need to be forgiven

  • I live up to my own expectations / I feel judged

  • I accomplish my dreams / I should want what everyone else wants

Feelings of a lack of self-worth shouldn’t be brushed under the table, they should be brought to the surface and examined so they can be broken down to manageable pieces to work through. By facing and working through these feelings, you free yourself from other’s judgement and your own condemnation of yourself. Your personal judgement toward yourself can be far greater than anyone else’s judgement of you. You are then able to see your world in a different light and make decisions in your life that support you and better reflect who you are.


I offer phone & zoom sessions, in person & group sessions, online courses, webinars & events, and retreats to help you with your soul growth. Accessing my own intuition and guidance from Spirit to bring forward information for you. Helping people recognize and grow a connection to their own intuitive guidance system. You learn to access the knowledge and wisdom from your soul that is available to you. I provide specific guidance, support, and knowledge to help move you toward their desired goals.