What if I’m uncomfortable with seeing a medium?

The process of mediumship is frequently misunderstood. I’m not communicating with ghosts. I’m not making myself or you vulnerable to unknown forces. I’m using a natural ability we all have to access the field of energy where the multi-dimensional aspect of myself can communicate with the multi-dimensional aspect of all forms of energy and consciousness, including your loved ones.

We are consciousness before we are human. When we pass we return to a state of consciousness that is no longer material but etheric and still able to communicate within the material world. We are connected to one another no matter the form we currently take. There is nothing to fear with this communication. Fear is a lack of understanding. With understanding comes knowledge and fear is no more. Because we are each unique, we experience this communication differently. Some people aren’t aware at all that their loved ones are still with them, others such as myself, are always aware of this field of energy and those that dwell within it. As a medium, I provide a way for you to communicate with those you love when you’re not perceiving your own ability to do so. This field of information is meant for all of us to share and experience equally.

I also offer online classes & webinars where you can learn to develop this ability as well.

We talk of our souls, what does that mean?

The soul is your energy, your aspirations of what you want to create, the knowledge and wisdom of all you have been and all you are capable of. The soul is always connected to the energy source field. This source field is made up of the energy of us all, originating with source (some call this energetic source God, and many other names).

The source field is filled with the wisdom and knowledge of us all throughout time and space as we know it. Your intuition, your gut feeling, is you accessing this energetic source field. Our souls are always alive and vibrant whether they are in the form of a physical human body or as the pure energy of our original self. Our souls are multi-dimensional, meaning they exist in more than one dimension and plane of existence. The soul is always speaking, interacting, and communicating with us, just as the souls of others are as well.

Understanding and strengthening our connection to our souls is a natural part of our personal and spiritual growth. Fostering the communication between our human existence and who we are as souls moves each of us and our world into a higher vibration of energy and joy.

How does the communication of mediumship happen?

Communication between you and your loved ones is possible because you are primarily energy. Think of when you make a cell phone call. You are speaking to someone in another place in the world. You are not next to them speaking to them, you have no physical cord that is connecting you to them, but the energy of an unknown signal is connecting you nonetheless. You trust and believe when you place the call that the connection will be made and you don’t stop to consider that it wouldn’t.

Because we are energy, this connection runs in and through all forms of consciousness. Some people can feel and access this connection between us more clearly than others. That is what mediumship is. I serve as an energetic connection between you and your loved ones so you can communicate with one another.

Each individual, whether human or passed, has a different energy and personality. In order to communicate, I need to resonate with that souls energy. I may have to dial into their frequency like dialing into a radio station on the radio. Sometimes another soul will help with that energetic connection and then we may hear from someone unexpected. Keep in mind a shy soul may need the help of another soul to make themselves known. Mediumship is all about the connection we share.

How to set an appointment for a mediumship reading

For in person or group sessions please use the inquiry form located on the Group & In Person Sessions page to request an appointment. For private phone or zoom readings please schedule using the schedule on the private sessions page. I respond to all requests for services within 24 hours. Please check your spam, junk, updates or promotion folders for my response in the event it gets swept up in your email provider’s filters.

For group or in person sessions: Once we’ve agreed upon a date and time, I will email a PayPal invoice for the service. Payment terms are payment in full within 48 hours of receiving the PayPal invoice or the agreed upon date and time for the appointment cannot be held and the appointment will be considered cancelled. When payment is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email.

Private phone or zoom sessions: Payment is required at the time of scheduling your appointment. After scheduling you will receive a confirmation email from me within 24-48 hours that will have the details of how to access Zoom if you chose a zoom session and instructions for the session. Zoom is a fully interactive video and audio platform and you’ll be provided an audio recording of our session via email within 48 hours of completion of the session.

Sessions are available via phone as well. Zoom will not be able to record our session. I am not able to send a copy of our phone session. If you want to record it yourself you can download a phone recorder app to record it on your phone.

what if I have to cancel my appointment?

Sessions aren’t confirmed until they are paid for. There are no refunds on cancelled appointments, but if you cancelled with at least 24 hours notice, you may reschedule the appointment. Notice must be given via email or by using the contact form on this site. Please include in the communication when you are available to reschedule.


I do not offer refunds on readings or classes. The information is meant for you and you choose whether you will accept the information or not, in this moment or in the future.


Mediumship readings and other personal services can be found on the Private Sessions page of the site.

What’s involved in a mediumship reading?

You may come with questions. I recommend that you may not want pages of questions. Spirit is joining this meeting because they have something to say to you. I treat them with the same respect I show you. Messages from the Spirit you are asking about will be brought forward. They may not want to talk about the subject you want to talk about and change the subject. This is there choice, the same as you can choose to talk about a subject or not. Spirits join when they have something to say that pertains to you. Spirits that want to say hello may join that you haven’t thought of in a long time or forgot about. They didn’t forget about you. A co-worker, friend, someone you know briefly may have a loved one that wants to get a message to them. You may be asked to relay that message for them. Spirit finds a way to deliver messages to those they love. Some loved ones may be shy or their energy doesn’t match mine. At that point another energy will help with the connection. Guides for you or them may also join to add information they feel would help in the meeting between you and them. When people don’t have a lot to say in life they sometimes still don’t have a lot to say now. Other ones will have a lot to say. Every loved one is an individual, that aspect should always be respected. The connection is always between you and them. Please read the Preparing For Reading page when you book an appointment. We are all connected, learn what important part in the connection you play.


Yes, I do receive information from animals. I have communicated with animals that have passed and animals that are here in the present moment. They may even help bring in a shy human soul. Each of them is as unique as all of you.

WHAT ABOUT CLASSES, how do they work?

The classroom environment is fully interactive. The Zoom App is free for you to download on your computer or your smart phone. The camera feature used in Zoom meeting app allows everyone in the class, including me to be visible to each other. You can choose to turn your camera off if you wish. You will be able to ask questions during the class by raising your physically raising your hand (so I can see it on camera) or sending a chat during the class. I usually will have your microphone on mute to cut down on static that makes it difficult for everyone to hear. I will take your microphone off mute so you can talk and be heard. 4 to 5 days before the start of each class you will be emailed worksheets for you to answer to record your thoughts and beliefs. There are no right or wrong answers. This is about you and I am looking forward to hearing your individual thoughts. We will discuss the worksheets during the upcoming class. Within 48 hours after each class the audio recording of each class will be emailed to you. I will ask if people have questions during class, please don’t hesitate to ask if you have a question. My motto is there is never a dumb question, if your thinking it, someone else is too. You need to be respectful of other people in the class and their opinions. Everyone is on a level playing field and bad behavior will not be tolerated. This class is a small group, any and all personal information shared in this class stays in the class. Class subjects are meant to be openly discussed without judgement. This is how true learning and understanding happen for us all.